Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Friends...

Greetings, my wonderful and gracious audience. For anyone who happens to stumble across and take the time to read through my thoughts, I greatly appreciate your time and I am glad you're here. After over a year hiatus, I'm back to the world of blogging. Today, May 29, 2012, I think I'm going to focus on letting you all know how much I appreciate every single one of you.
Recently I've been really thinking about the meaning each individual life has and the importance of every single living, breathing thing. I realize that this post is going to be quite different from what I normally write about, but this is what I find on my heart today. Have you ever just taken time to truly think about what each person in your life means to you? I just can't help but be absolutely amazed by the wonderful and genius plan of our almighty Creator. The story that unfolds in each and every life has all been planned and if we choose to live righteously and obey that internal moral compass which is ever so present in every single one of us, we will find exactly who and what we need to find in this journey and exactly when we need to find it. I find this absolutely amazing.
I have found through my own personal experiences that with a little patience, people that you need in your life will eventually find their way into your life. And not just that, sometimes people leave our lives and it may initially cause pain, but it's all part of the Master's design. For any of you out there that are hurting and just waiting for someone to come and lend you a loving, caring hand, or anyone who is hurting that someone either voluntarily or involuntarily left your life, don't despair! If you let Him, God will be there to comfort you and bring you through it all and He will do what's best for you because He is truly a loving God. You have a purpose and you mean more than you know to the people that are around you. We all need each other and without all of you, I feel like my life would have lost a whole lot of meaning. I feel we all have a purpose which is to serve our God, but we all have a purpose and a meaning to each other as well. There is a reason that God didn't create us to be all alone, take the time to think about the people you have in your lives and what they mean to you.
To all of my readers, take this as my thank you note. I am so grateful for each of you, you're all such blessings. God has put all of you here in this moment for a reason and you are all in my life for a reason and it's all part of the all loving God's perfect plan. I thank God for His plan and for all of you. Like I stated earlier, I know this isn't like my typical blog posts, but everything happens for a reason and this is on my heart for a reason and I'm hoping we can all take the time to thank God for His blessings and His people. God bless you all my brothers and sisters, thank you for coming.

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